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Lobby Day 2018

Updated: Jun 3, 2018

IASDA traveled to Washington D.C. to join with other ASDA chapters to lobby on behalf of dental students across the nation. Student delegates from IASDA spoke with several representatives and both Iowa senators to support legislation important to the dental profession. #ToothParty

Back Row (L-R): Dr. Valerie Peckosh, Dr. Maria Fuller, Dr. Martin Gleason, Dr. John Arend, Thanh Nguyen, Donte Nesbitt, Daniel Malloy, Ryan Mooneyham Front Row (L-R): Alison Christensen, Elaine Boosalis, Grace Moore, Ruchira Laroia

IASDA petitioned for more favorable interest rates, terms, and the preservation of public loan forgiveness programs for Federal Student Loans. We also discussed the opioid epidemic that is currently plaguing the country. In these congressional meetings, IASDA came out strongly in favor of a newly adopted opioid policy from the American Dental Association. This policy, which is the first of its kind among professional organizations supports required continuing education for prescribers, imposes a seven-day limit on the prescription of opioids for the treatment of acute pain, mandates the use of prescription drug monitoring programs, and aims to improve the quality of state prescription drug monitoring programs. Among other issues brought up by IASDA delegates in these meetings was the Action for Dental Health Act, which allows events like the Mission of Mercy and Give Kids a Smile to apply for direct funding from the Federal Government. The passage of this bill would expand the scope of these events, increase their reach, and benefit to underserved communities.

Student Lobby Day is a unique opportunity that allows students to lend their voices to enact change within the dental profession. IASDA’s trip to Washington D.C. was a humbling but truly rewarding experience. And even though most of the time was dedicated to the legislative issues at hand, IASDA members did get an opportunity to explore the city as we took in the historic sites, witnessed the world-famous Cherry Blossom Festival, and networked with a multitude of dentists and congressional leaders.

The ADA and State Dental Associations were also present to lobby on behalf of practicing dentists. Members of the Iowa Dental Association were hard at work speaking on issues such as the McCarran-Ferguson Repeal for Health Insurance and lobbying for passage of the Dental and Optometric Care Access Act of 2017 (DOC Access Act). The repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act would allow the FTC to enforce the full range of antitrust laws against improper conduct among health insurance companies, a policy that is currently omitted in the McCarran-Ferguson law. Antitrust laws stimulate lower prices, advance innovation, and allow a greater number of options for consumers. The DOC Access Act would make it unreasonable for dental and vision insurance plans to set fees for service in which the plans have no financial liability. This bill would level the playing field regarding how insurance companies dictate the services covered by dental and optometric professionals, creating more competition among insurance providers for the benefit of both the patient and practitioner.

Ryan Mooneyham


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