Prophy Cup
Golf Tournament
18 hole four person scramble format
Flighted prizes
Pin prizes
Complementary Drinks
Sunday September 22, 2019
8:45-9:30am - Sign in and buy mulligans
9:45am - Get in golf carts
9:50am - Review rules
9:55am - Drive cart to your hole
10:00am - Tee off
After 18 holes: return to club house for lunch, scores, prize ceremony and pictures
Each player in the foursome hits off the tee.
The “captain” then decides which ball is the best to play and all four players make their next shot from that spot.
This process continues for each shot (including putts) until the ball is in the hole. (Note: balls not being used are simply picked up.)
Two putt rule
Only one putt per green will be allowed. If the ball does not go in the hole, then the ball will be picked up and one stroke added (e.g. on the green in two, miss first put, pick up ball for score of four). This will increase the speed of play.
Shots must be played from one club length from the spot of the shot selected, no closer to the hole, and must be played from the same type of lie (e.g. not moved from rough to fairway, fringe to green).
Men use Yellow tees, Ladies use Silver Tees, and 70+ may use White Forward Tees.
Mulligans must be pre-purchased for $5 (limit 2). Only the individual who purchased the mulligans may use it to hit again. Mulligans can not be used for contests.
(Mulligans can’t be used for contests)
Longest Drive (Men’s and Women’s)
On the TBD hole. Your drive must be in the fairway to count. Put your name on the marker in the fairway and move it to your location if you can beat the existing longest drive.
Shortest Drive
On the TBD hole. Your drive must be in the fairway and be the ball your team plays to count. Put your name on the marker in the fairway and move it to your location if you can beat the existing shortest drive.
Closest to the Pin
On the 4th, 8th, 13th and 17th holes. Your tee shot must be on the green to count. Put your name on the marker and move it to your ball location if you beat the existing closest to the pin.
Longest Putt
On the TBD holes. This must be your first putt on the green
A huge thank you to all of our 2018 Sponsors!
This event would not be possible without all of you.