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Our blog! Posts about Legislature, Lunch & Learns, IASDA-sponsored events, Student Spotlight, and more!

The Explorer

This bi-weekly newsletter highlights activities (festivals, hikes, beaches, etc.) in and around Iowa City as well as including restaurant reviews.

July 2018
Vol. 1, Issue 1
Vol. 1, Issue 2
August 2018
Vol. 1, Issue 3
Vol. 1, Issue 4
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
See All
The Probe

This bi-annual "mini-zine" highlights student concerns and probes deeper into issues on our blog such as changes in legislature. There is also an advice column for pre-dental students.

See All

Ruchira Laroia (Class of 2020)

What you should know about addiction- CONTOUR (April 2018)

Engaging with occupational wellness through service - CONTOUR (May 2018)


William Burns (Class of 2021)

A weekend in Iowa City - CONTOUR (April 2018)

Write for Us!

Are you interested in writing a single article or becoming a monthly contributor? Let us know!

Submit an Image

Do something cool that you want to let people know about? Submit an image for a feature!


Submit a Restaurant Review

Eat somewhere great (or somewhere terrible)? Let us know the restaurant name, location, what you had, and how many teeth it rates!

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Designed by Erin Leppek  © 2018 Iowa ASDA 

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