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Materials Guide
Adhesive System
Composite is a bonded restoration and requires the use of an adhesive system
No special features are required in the prep, other than a proximal box
15 sec on dentin​
15-30 sec on enamel
RINSE​ = 15 sec
DRY, do not desiccate the tooth
PRIME = agitate 30 sec
Dry​ from far to close
Tooth surface should be shiny
Do not pool​
Cure 30 sec
Most important step in ensuring restoration will last!
Use 2mm increments
Requires 8J/cm^3
~15 sec for shade A2
Increase time for darker colors and more distance
Slight shrinkage on curing depends on the C-factor
Number of surfaces the composite is contacting​
Admixed - Dispersalloy (blue)
Large restorations
Slower setting
Spherical - Megalloy (purple)
Small restorations
Fast setting
Prep Features
Amalgam is mechanically retained
Floor of prep should be as flat as possible
Minimum material thickness:
Rounded line angles​
Sharp corners are stress concentrators and may cause the restoration to fracture​
Amalgapin (rounded hole 1.5mm deep)​
Mixing Information
Admixed - Dispersalloy
Slow (3800 cpm)
~14 sec
Spherical - Megalloy
Fast (4000 cpm)
~7-9 sec
High fluoride - Fuji Triage
Used in deep lesions for remineralization
Glass Ionomer - Fuji IX​
Resin-Modified - Fuji II LC
Light cure
Mixing Information
Tap capsule
Push in button
Click once in applicator
Fast (4000 cpm)
~10 sec
Instructions for Use
Cavity Conditioner should be placed on enamel and dentin for 10s then rinsed and dried prior to application of glass ionomer
Don't desiccate the ​tooth
Leave dentin moist
Fuji IX should be covered with Vaseline for 7 mins after application, and avoid early finishing
Fuji II LC should be light cured for 40 sec (12 J)
Mixing Information
Heading 5
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