Leadership Position Descriptions
Interested running for a position, but want more information?
Preside as a chairman of the association and the Executive Committee and oversee all activities of the association.
Appoint a member of the association to fill any vacant office for the unexpired term (with the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee).
Ensure that the desires of the association are carried out in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.
First delegate at the annual Iowa Dental Association meeting.
First delegate to the ASDA at all annual meetings.
Responsible for freshman introduction into ASDA at orientation.
Act as liaison between student body and administration.
Serve as a member of and oversee business of all IASDA Chairs and Co-chairs in conjunction with the President-Elect and Vice-President.
Determine attendees to ASDA meetings including Annual Session, National Leadership Conference, National Lobby Day, and District 8 meeting in conjunction with the President-Elect and Vice-President.
Oversee the production of the ASDA Gold Crown Award with direct assistance of the secretary.
(2-year position; Will serve as President second year of term)
Assume the responsibilities of the President at the end of the President’s term or anytime during that term when the President is no longer able to fulfill the responsibilities.
Preside in the absence of the President.
Second delegate at the annual Iowa Dental Association meeting.
Second delegate to ASDA at all annual meetings.
Serve as a member of and oversee business of all IASDA Chairs and Co-chairs in conjunction with the President and Vice President.
Determine attendees to ASDA meetings including Annual Session, National Leadership Conference, National Lobby Day, and District 8 meeting in conjunction with the President and Vice- President.
Assume responsibilities of the organization of the Summer Pre- Dental Academy with assistance from the Pre-Dental Club Chair(s) and Summer Academy Chairs.
Vice President
To assume the duties of the President-Elect and preside in the absence or incapacity of the President-Elect.
To organize and oversee the elections of the association and classes.
To organize and oversee the election of the Committee on Committee positions.
To serve as a member of and oversee business of all IASDA Chairs and Co-chairs in conjunction with the President and President-Elect.
To serve as a liaison to GPSG (Graduate and Professional Student Government) and to attend their monthly meetings.
To serve as second delegate to ASDA at all annual meetings and the annual Iowa Dental Association Meeting in the absence of the President or President-Elect.
To determine attendees to ASDA meetings including Annual Session, National Leadership Conference, National Lobby Day, and District 8 meeting in conjunction with the President and President-Elect.
To assume responsibilities of the organization of the annual ASDA Fever Week in the first few weeks of each school year.
Assist the President and President-Elect, respectively, in the organization of the ASDA Gold Crown Award and Summer Pre-Dental Academy.
To act as the official custodian of funds of the association and also as a disbursing officer of the monies.
To submit a monthly report of the financial records and status to the Executive Committee.
To preside in the absence of all other Executive Officers.
To serve as Chair of the Fundraising Committee.
To take minutes and keep a careful and authentic record of all proceedings of the association.
To copy the minutes of the meetings and distribute them to the members of the IASDA Leadership team.
To carry on official correspondences of the association.
To preside in the absence of President, President-Elect, and Vice- President
Organize and reserve rooms for informational meetings concerning IASDA as well as our monthly leadership meetings.
To maintain correspondence with leaders of the organizations recognized by IASDA for the purpose of determining the intent and need for appropriate funding.
Lead the organization of the ASDA Gold Crown Award.
Coordinate with Social Media chairs to obtain pictures and other media for Gold Crown Award.
Fundraising Chairs
To be responsible for and coordinate the annual fall Exhibitor’s Fair and Loupes fair.
To be responsible for and coordinate the annual (fall and spring) merchandise sales.
To provide additional monetary support for IASDA through other, unique, novel fundraising efforts.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Fundraising Committee.
Philanthrophy Chairs
To organize community service projects in coordination with organizations such as:
Free Medical Clinic
Habitat for Humanity
Dance Marathon
Boys/Girls Club
Salvation Army
Ronald McDonald House
Red Cross Blood Drive
To serve as a working and active associate of the Events Committee
Website & Social Media Chairs
Oversee the organization and development of the IASDA website.
Actively manage the IASDA social media outlets including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Take photos at all Iowa ASDA events for documentation, records, and for use in the ASDA Gold Crown Awards.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Events Committee.
Social Chairs
Responsible for the organization of fall, winter, and summer socials.
Plan and organize informal social events to be held at the dental school throughout the year.
Take photos and other visual media in the absence of the social chair for documentation, records, and use in the ASDA Gold Crown Awards.
Chair of the Events Committee.
Prophy Cup Chairs
(2-year position; One elected each year)
Organize and carry out an annual golf tournament.
Coordinate with fundraising chairs to arrange tournament sponsors.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Fundraising Committee.
Apollonian Frolics Chairs
Responsible for the organization of Frolics in the spring including date, venue, decorations, DJ, entertainment, prizes, and ticket sales.
Responsible for collecting/raising additional funds to support the event aside from the allocated budget through IASDA
To serve as a working and active associate of the Events Committee.
Party people please apply!
Morale Chairs
Organize a talent show to take place in the Spring (April) with both student and faculty involvement.
Organize Homecoming parade float.
Organize events to boost student morale.
Organize Wax and Relax and Drill and Chill activities for D1 students prior to first practical exams in Dental Anatomy and Operative Dentistry.
Consult with Delta Sigma President to coordinate activities.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Events Committee.
Legislative Liaison
Review and educate members about national ADSA resolutions before regional and national meetings.
Assist in the writing of regional and national ASDA resolutions.
Help plan meetings with local, state, and national politicians regarding the practice of dentistry.
Update the association on dental legislation on the state and national level.
Organize and plan specific programming for ASDA Advocacy Month in November
Hold an annual ADPAC/IDPAC drive to sign up students to be members of both organizations.
Serve with the Vice President as a liaison to GPSG (Graduate and Professional Student Government) and to attend their monthly meetings.
To serve as Chair of the Professional Development Committee.
Lunch & Learn Coordinator
(Two-year position; One elected each year)
Receive forwarded e-mails from administrative staff from companies interested in hosting lunch and learns.
Coordinate emails through iasda-lnl@uiowa.edu
Reserve room for several dates throughout the year with Dental Registrar’s Secretary.
Coordinate the company's arrival and set up.
Clean up food and presentation room after Lunch and Learn is over.
Actively pursue new, unique vendors to participate in Lunch and Learns.
The incumbent Lunch and Learn Coordinator will stay on as an advisor for their second term.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Professional Development Committee.
Pre-Dental Club Advisor
Set-up dates for pre-dental club meetings; working with Rachael Kowbel and Undergraduate President.
Plan activities for meetings:
Drill n’ fill
Tour of School
Student Panel
Specialty Presentation
LAVA scanning exercise
Line up speakers:
Armed Forces
Promote IASDA membership.
Help the President-Elect and Summer Academy Chairs with organization of the IASDA Summer Pre-Dental Academy.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Professional Development Committee.
Summer Academy Chairs
(Two-year position; One elected each year in Fall)
Organize and Lead the set-up of the Summer Academy.
Communication with Student Affairs Office about progress of the event.
Must be present at the Academy.
Responsible for duties outlined in the Summer Academy manual.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Fundraising Committee.
Recruitment Coordinator
Works closely with the Lunch and Learn coordinators and the Office of Iowa Practice Opportunities to coordinate recruitment events for students.
Will assist in the planning and set up of social events and Lunch and Learns.
Receive forwarded e-mails from administrative staff from companies interested in hosting recruitment events.
Coordinate emails through iasda-lnl@uiowa.edu
To serve as a working and active associate of the Professional Development Committee.
Practice Management Chair
Will set up and coordinate Practice Management and Professional Development speakers.
Will plan a minimum of one Practice Management Presentation/Speaker each month.
Plan and Execute a Leadership Development week in conjunction with Professional Development Committee.
Work along Dr. Syrbu to augment D4 Practice Management series.
To serve as a working and active associate of the Professional Development Committee.
Wellness Chair
Description needed.