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Taylor Young

Class of 2022

Cedar Rapids, IA

Q: why do you want to be a dentist?

A: My personal journey through dental care was difficult, to say the least. And my desire to discover ways to improve that journey for others is what initially sparked my interest in dentistry

Q: Favorite class memory from D1 year so far?

A: It's too hard to pick a single memory. Our class is absolutely incredible. I've never felt so genuinely supported by my peers & I'm really lucky I get to do these 4 years with them.

Q: What is your spirit animal?

A: Just took an online quiz. Snake it is apparently!! Or maybe say tiger instead. probably don't want "snake" to be known as my spirit animal haha

Q: Elevator, escalator, or stairs and why?

A: I super want to believe I'm a "stairs person." But I'll make an excuse to use the elevator any day tbh.

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